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Bakı Texnologiya Mərkəzinin açılış mərasimi həyata keçirildi.

Gənclərin inkişafına və gələcəkdə təhsil sahəsində perspektivli fərdlərin yetişdirilməsinə yönəlmiş (Bakı Texnologiya Mərkəzi I Baku Technology Center (BTM) rəsmi açılış mərasimi keçirildi. Açılış mərasimi İnnovasiya və Rəqəmsal İnkişaf Agentliyi, Azərbaycan İnnovasiya Mərkəzinin dəstəyi ilə reallaşdırıldı.

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Kibertəhlükəsizlik Akademiyasının bütün fəaliyyətləri BTM daxilinə keçdi

Azərbaycanın ən böyük kibertəhlükəsizlik icması olan Kibertəhlükəsizlik Platforması mühüm struktur dəyişikliklərinə imza atdı. Bu dəyişiklik çərçivəsində, Platformanın önəmli bölməsi olan Kibertəhlükəsizlik Akademiyası, fəaliyyətlərini tamamilə Bakı Texnologiyalar Mərkəzi (BTM) daxilində davam etdirəcək.

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Platformamız COP29 çərçivəsində vacib layihənin təşkilatçısı olacaq

Kibertəhlükəsizlik Platforması və İnnovasiya və Rəqəmsal İnkişaf Agentliyi, COP29 İqlim Konfransı çərçivəsində yalnız xanımlara özəl bir seminar təşkil edir! Bu seminar, kibertəhlükəsizlik sahəsində uğur qazanan xanımların təcrübələrini bölüşməsi və bu sahədə qadın liderliyini təşviq etmək məqsədini daşıyır. Güclü xanımlar, güclü gələcək!

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Kibertəhlükəsizlik Platforması dövlətin növbəti vacib dəstəyini aldı.

Kibertəhlükəsizlik Platforması Azərbaycan Respublikası Kiçik və Orta Biznesin İnkişafı Agentliyinin (KOBİA) “Startup Şəhadətnaməsi”ni əldə etmişdir.
Platforma, fəaliyyət göstərdiyi 5 il ərzində dövlət və özəl sektorla əməkdaşlıq edərək bir çox mühüm layihələrin təşkilatçısı olmaqla yanaşı, gənclərin inkişafında mühüm rol oynamışdır.

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Academy Students


Professional Projects


Services Provided


Academy Graduates

Who Are We?

Structure and

Cybersecurity Academy

The Cybersecurity Academy is an institution established for the organization of academic training, education, and course activities. The main goal of the academy is to train qualified personnel in our country and to prepare professional cybersecurity specialists.

Cybersecurity Laboratory

The Cybersecurity Laboratory is established for individuals who have received education in the academy or wish to enhance their practical skills, with the aim of developing attack and defence methods.

Research and Development Center

The Research and Development Center is established for the development of national solutions in our country, the implementation of startup ideas, and the organization of various cybersecurity-based career development programs.

Certification and Career Center

The certification programs and exams organized by the Certification Center provide students and professionals with the opportunity to learn about interesting topics in the field of cybersecurity and relevant international standards. 

Cyber Security

Our Services and Offerings

Individual and Corporate Cybersecurity Training

One of the main services of our platform is the organization of individual and corporate training. These services are conducted using professional teaching methods based on international standards. You can obtain our training packages and other information from the official website of the Academy.

Certification and Career Support

We offer a variety of services that assist individuals working in the field of professional career development to enhance their knowledge and skills, complete their certifications, and evaluate internship opportunities.

Cybersecurity Consulting Services

This includes services such as implementing security measures to reduce potential cybersecurity risks for companies and organizations, as well as developing appropriate strategies to protect their digital assets.

Cybersecurity and IT Support Services

As the Cybersecurity Platform, we offer organizations specialized cybersecurity solutions and training in information security. Additionally, we provide rapid support services with the involvement of our professional experts to address various IT problems and needs that may arise for your enterprise. Furthermore, we offer "Cloud Computing Infrastructure" services, which include cloud-based computing solutions for your organization.

Practical Penetration Testing Laboratories

The Practical Penetration Testing Laboratories (PNTL) are testing labs that simulate real-world scenarios to identify and remediate security vulnerabilities in computer networks. These laboratories provide information technology and cybersecurity professionals with the opportunity to conduct attacks on their networks and develop defense strategies to counter those attacks. With our PBTL service, you can assess the knowledge and skills of your personnel based on the needs of your organization, or you can request us to establish a testing laboratory tailored to your needs, utilizing human resources as desired.

Development of Cybersecurity Products and Solutions

One of the main and most important activities of our platform is the development of national solutions in our country. Together with our experts, we actively work on creating various solutions tailored to the needs of the market. In this regard, implementing the ideas and proposals of young people is our top priority. We also offer services for developing solutions that align with your requests and needs.

Who We Work With

Innovation Centers
Government Agencies
Private Institutions
Youth Centers

History of Our Platform

Since its inception, the Cybersecurity Platform has achieved various activities and successes. Over the years, the platform's representatives have carried out the following activities


News and Blogs


Contact Us for Your Goals

We are pleased to answer all your questions and assist you in determining which of our services best meet your needs.

Our Other Phone Numbers:
Our Email Addresses:

İnsan Resursları:
[email protected]


Texniki Dəstək:
[email protected]


[email protected]

Let us know your questions by writing to us.

Partners and Collaborators

Our valuable partners who support the development of cybersecurity in our country together with us.